Terms & Conditions
• These terms and conditions apply to any work done for the Client by Joanne Yeates.
• The Client is under no obligation to offer Joanne Yeates work; neither is Joanne Yeates under any obligation to accept work offered by the Client.
• Joanne Yeates will provide the service(s) as mutually agreed, confirmed in writing by the Client.
• The work will be carried out unsupervised at such times and places as determined by Joanne Yeates, using her own equipment.
• A sample of work will be requested in order to provide an appropriate quote. It must accurately reflect the standard of the Client’s project.
• The Client should confirm the total word count of the project.
• The Client should confirm the date that services would be required to commence and the preferred deadline for completion (if applicable).
• The quote may be a fee per hour OR per thousand words OR an agreed flat fee for the job. The quote will be dependent on the required turnaround for the job and the length of the project.
• Quotes will be provided in writing (by e-mail).
• If any changes are made to the length or nature of the project after the initial quote is given, the quote may be altered by agreement. Joanne Yeates reserves the right to decline the project if substantial alterations have been made.
• Quotes are valid for 30 days from the date of issue and are given on the basis that, unless otherwise agreed, the work to be subject to the editorial service is provided in its entirety.
• Unless otherwise stated, quotes are for one proofread or copy-edit only.
• The Client will receive the estimated timescale for the project along with the quote, unless otherwise agreed.
• If the Client requests that the work to be completed by a specific deadline, this will be confirmed, or an alternative deadline proposed along with the quote.
• The timescale provided to the Client is dependent on the work being sent to Joanne Yeates on the agreed date and at the agreed time. If the document is sent later than agreed, a revised timetable may be given.
• The document return date and time will be confirmed to the Client once the work has been received by Joanne Yeates, unless otherwise agreed.
• Receipt of documents sent by the Client to Joanne Yeates is deemed to have occurred upon e-mail, phone or text message confirmation by Joanne Yeates.
• In the unlikely event of external circumstances causing possible delays or putting the deadline at risk, the Client will be notified at the earliest opportunity.
• Delivery of documents (via e-mail) by Joanne Yeates is deemed to have occurred at the time the e-mail is sent. It is the Client’s responsibility to confirm receipt of the document.
Quote or timescale revisions
• The completed work will be delivered on or before the date agreed, for the agreed fee, which will be based on the description of the work required and the brief, both supplied by the Client.
• If, on receipt of the item to be worked on or at an early stage, it becomes apparent that significantly more work is required than had been anticipated in the preliminary discussion/brief, Joanne Yeates may renegotiate the fee and/or the deadline.
• Similarly, if, during the term of Joanne Yeates’ work, additional tasks are requested by the Client, Joanne Yeates may renegotiate the fee and/or the deadline.
• Joanne Yeates reserves the right to return any project after receiving it if there are concerns about the work (such as if the project requires more work or time than originally estimated).
• Joanne Yeates will do her utmost to ensure all documents, texts and files are correct and free of errors; however, no guarantee of this can be given.
• Joanne Yeates will not be liable for any losses, of any kind, resulting from missed errors or the editorial advice provided. Joanne Yeates will not be liable for any consequential, indirect or special loss/damage. Joanne Yeates will not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of any event(s) beyond her reasonable control.
• Joanne Yeates is not responsible for the factual accuracy or content of the Client’s project.
• Any content created by Joanne Yeates as part of the editorial process will become the copyright of the Client, unless otherwise agreed.
• The specific nature and content of the work will be kept confidential and not made known to anyone other than the Client and its contractors (if applicable) without prior written permission.
• If the Client cancels the work or changes the schedule within 48 hours of the previously agreed start time, Joanne Yeates reserves the right to charge for the time lost by her.
• The Client must give notice of cancellation in writing.
• Advance payments are non-refundable in the case of cancellation by the Client.
Breach of contract
• Either the Client or Joanne Yeates has the right to terminate a contract for services if there is a serious breach of its terms.
• The Client will reimburse Joanne Yeates for agreed reasonable expenses over and above the usual expenses incurred in the process of the work.
• International clients are responsible for any conversion or transfer fees incurred.
• Any advance payment made is non-refundable, unless the project is cancelled by Joanne Yeates.
• If the project is lengthy, Joanne Yeates may invoice the Client periodically for completed stages.
• An invoice will be sent to the Client following the completion of the job. If an advance payment (deposit, proportion of fee or total fee) is required, an invoice for that payment will be sent to the Client before the job is confirmed and/or can commence.
• Unless agreed otherwise at the outset, payment will be made within 30 days of receipt of Joanne Yeates’ invoice.
Promotional material
• Joanne Yeates may use the Client’s name, and a brief, non-specific description of the project, in her promotional material unless the Client requests otherwise.
• Joanne Yeates may use written feedback or comments made by the Client in her promotional material unless the Client requests otherwise.
Data protection
• Under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Client and Joanne Yeates may keep on record such information (for example, contact details) as is necessary. Either may view the other’s records to ensure that they are relevant, correct and up-to-date.
• Joanne Yeates will keep any files provided by the Client on her system for at least six years. The Client may request their removal at an earlier date.
• Joanne Yeates will back up the Client’s files, including personal details, to an external, password-protected and encrypted cloud-based storage system.